Timber species preferred for parquet and flooring for its hardness and durability.
It is renowned as a classic, prestigious and aristocratic wood.

A species whose luminosity will brighten dark rooms, ash is very hard, but benefits from its flexibility.
It is used for making bows.
Its grain is greatly appreciated in a contemporary and natural setting.

Acacia (robinier)
Extremely hard, very resistant to rotting and insect attack, with a very fine gain, this is a remarkable wood.
Its subtle colour gradually changes with time, from yellow to the colour of old wine.

Remarkably pale in colour and soft to the touch, its lightness encourages its use in ceiling and wall panelling.

Wild Cherry
It is a common tree species with light brown to yellowish pink wood.
Like all fruit trees, cherry wood is fine grained and has good mechanical properties.
This valuable wood is used to create a refined interior ambiance.
Perigord Parquet recommends its use alongside oak in order to create a floor that is rich and original.

Red oak
Introduced in Europe in 1724, it is mostly planted for its ornamental properties, particularly for its beautiful autumn foliage.
The wood is heavy, close-grained (less than native oak), and reddish brown.
It is used for structural frames, barrel making as well as carpentry and cabinetmaking.
Its grain is perfect for natural environments.